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New Director of Education for the Diocese of Worcester

Tim Reid, Director of EducationTim Reid has been appointed as the new Director of Education for the Diocese of Worcester.

Tim has been promoted from his role as Deputy Director following a competitive interview process and as Director will continue to support both Church of England Schools and academies across Dudley and Worcestershire. He replaces Margaret James who is moving to a national role in the Church of England’s education team.

Tim has been our Deputy Director of Education since 2017, previously working as a Diocesan School Improvement Consultant and SIAMS Manager after being the Headteacher of a Church of England Primary School. Alongside Margaret, he has developed the vision for Church of England schools in our diocese to be places where all children can receive a high-quality education and live life in all its fullness.

Tim said: “I’m really excited to be moving into this role. In the Diocese of Worcester, we have built strong relationships with our 100 church schools. I’m looking forward to continuing to work closely with all schools and developing our strategy to support and equip school staff, governors and leaders as they strive to offer the best education to young people throughout Dudley and Worcestershire. Ensuring the sustainability of our schools will be a central focus of my work.”

The Bishop of Worcester, Dr John Inge said: “Tim’s appointment as our new Director of Education is very good news for all associated with our schools. He is already well known and respected across the diocese and, in a time of change, he will deliver the Church’s vision for education in a sensitive and appropriate manner whilst being someone that teachers know they can rely on for support and advice.”

Tim will take up the new role from 1 June as Margaret leaves. Tim continued: “During her time as Director of Education Margaret has really changed the way we work with schools, building trusted relationships and supporting them in both their Christian distinctiveness and in achieving strong academic outcomes. I look forward to developing and realising this vision for our schools, continuing to improve the quality of support that we’re able to offer.”

Published: 6th May 2021
Page last updated: Thursday 6th May 2021 9:33 AM

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