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New choir robes & a new home for the old ones!

Some of St Martin's choir in their new cassocksThe Choir of St Martin’s, London Road, has taken delivery of a new set of cassocks (some of the choir are pictured here wearing them), which have been entirely funded by part of a charity grant given specifically for the musical life of St Martin’s and some private donations.

The old choir robes, which were made by members of the parish in the 1980s have now gone to a new home, thanks to a contact with Bristol Cathedral Choir.St Martin's old choir robe

One of the Bristol lay clerks is Managing Director of Vestus, who sent this message:

“Warmest thanks from Vestus to St Martin’s Church for passing on their old choir robes to us. Vestus adopts pre-loved robes and vestments, giving them a new life as costumes for TV and film. Our expert conservation team ensures our stock lasts for many years to come. If you want to give a new home to the cassock under your bed or chasuble at the back of your wardrobe, get in touch with Peter: / 07851 241364.”

Vestus made a donation to the Church for the old robes, which might otherwise have gone into landfill if they were unable to be recycled, so it was a very happy outcome.

Published: 17th March 2022
Page last updated: Friday 18th March 2022 12:16 PM

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