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Who is your favourite character from the Nativity?

We’d like to celebrate the nativity story on social media during Advent and we’d love for as many people as possible to send us very short videos (no more than 60 seconds) explaining who their favourite character from the Nativity is and why!

You can film yourself on a phone or webcam and send your videos to James Atkinson ASAP. Please ensure you film in landscape, and that your camera is filming in HD if possible. Use to send large files and please include your name and your church.

If you'd prefer not to send us a video but would still like to be involved, write an email and send your answer to us!

These videos will be collated and shared on the diocesan website and social media channels throughout Advent.

Published: 18th November 2021
Page last updated: Saturday 4th December 2021 9:07 AM

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New Director of Mission & Ministry

6th March 2025

Joseph Diwakar has been appointed as the new Director of Mission and Ministry for the Diocese. Joseph is currently Tutor and Lecturer in Church History at St Mellitus College, London, as well as being a member of the Archbishop’s Council.

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