Mothering Sundayfalls on the fourth Sunday of Lent and is a day on which we recognise theimportance of those who have cared for and mothered us throughout our lives.
For many years,the Mothers Union have supported Mothering Sundays simple message of love andappreciation through their Make a Mothers Day Appeal. People can purchaseethical gifts, to make a difference to mothers and communities around theworld. This could be through enabling a mother to learn to read, become anentrepreneur or through learning new skills that will help her to improve herhome. Donations are distributed across all areas of Mothers Unions work,wherever the need is greatest.
On this day inthe past children would pick wild flowers, like violets, either to take tochurch, or to give to their mother as a gift. When people buy a Mothers Uniongift, they receive a card featuring native flowers from one of the 80 countriesin which the organisation work, in order that mothers still receive flowers onthis special day. The Mothers Union is a Christian Mission Charity that seeksto support families worldwide, through sharing Gods love.
ThTFurtherinformation about the Make a Mothers Day Appeal is available on the followinglink: