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Morogoro Sewing Academy: Microfinancing Partnership

Morogoro sewing academy

Following the Diocesan visit to Morogoro Diocese in March 2019, we returned with a clear sense that setting up a microfinancing project with the Sewing Academy could be a wonderful way of empowering graduates to set up small businesses.

“How do the graduates of the Sewing Academy set up in business?”  The answer to the question was, “With difficulty.”

Morogoro Diocese has an effective Microfinancing department administering a number of projects and they are willing to take on the administration of the Morogoro Sewing Academy Microfinancing Partnership.

student at Morogoro sewing academyAfter much prayer and consultation it has been decided that a sum of £6,000 would be what is needed to fund the 44 students who can graduate in any one year.  This will enable students to buy a sewing machine locally, and to invest in materials to help them start up in their locality.  Students come from all over the region to the Sewing Academy and the market is not saturated.

We have been promised £3,000 to prime the pump of this partnership and would invite you to consider making a donation to the Morogoro Sewing Academy Microfinancing Project. 

Donations can be made on this online giving site

Or by cheque payable to the Worcester Diocesan Board of Finance with a covering note saying that it is for the Morogoro Sewing Academy Microfinancing Project. (Send to 16 Lowesmoor Wharf, Worcester. WR1 2RS)

Canon John Green and the Revd Katryn Leclézio

Donate here

Published: 4th May 2021
Page last updated: Monday 22nd November 2021 10:42 AM

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