The President of the Methodist Conference, the Revd Dr Barbara Glasson, called into Top Church in Dudley last Sunday as part of a weekend visiting the Wolverhampton & Shrewsbury District of the Methodist Church. The Vice-President, Professor Clive Marsh, was also part of the visit along with the Revd Rachel Parkinson, Chairof the Wolverhampton & Shrewsbury District and the RevdBill Anderson, minister in the Dudley & Netherton Circuit.
Rachel said: "In planning a programme for Barbara and Clive's visit, the District was keen to recognise the Week of Prayer forChristian Unity and to include some aspect of ecumenical engagement. Their theme for the year is So Whats the Story so itwas a great opportunity to visit Top Church, Dudley and hear both the story sofar and of hopes and dreams for the future."
Inkeeping with the theme of the Week of Prayer of Christian Unity, the Methodist visitors were greeted with UnusualKindness by James Treasure, Vicar of Top Church and his team. In return, Barbara wasdelighted to offer prayers for those entrusted with this very particularmission, with all its opportunities and challenges.