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Messages from our bishops for the new year

As we start 2024, Bishop John and Bishop Martin have written messages for the new year. 

From Bishop John:

Bishop JohnHappy New Year!

I hope and pray that this year will be a better one than last. Things seemed pretty grim at the beginning of 2023 as the Ukraine war limped on but now, in addition to that, there is the ongoing nightmare of the war between Israel and Gaza in which so many women and children are being killed, as well as a new catastrophe in Sudan and the continuing effects of the cost-of-living crisis here.

2024 is a crucial year for democracy, with elections here and in the USA. These elections, and others across the globe, will determine a great deal about the future of our world for years to come. To be able to vote in an election which is not rigged is a great gift and I hope everyone will use their vote and use it wisely and well.

I believe that using our vote wisely and well means using it as a way of loving our neighbour as ourselves. And I pray we may we do everything with that in mind during this coming year.

From Bishop Martin:

Bishop MartinHappy New Year! Our world is filled with so many challenges, but amidst it all we rejoice that God is real and that God loves us. That Jesus is Lord of heaven and earth and through his Spirit gives us life and confident hope for the future.

Our diocesan vision is to grow as Kingdom People, sharing the good news of Jesus’ love in Worcestershire and Dudley. 

As the body of Christ, God’s Kingdom People, we join together to worship God, make disciples, share hope, and transform communities as we live out values of love, compassion, justice and freedom.

And so I pray for our growth as Kingdom people. That our sense of freedom, desire for justice, exercise of compassion and life in God’s love might grow ever larger, and that our church communities might grow in numbers and in their hope in believing.

God of all grace and goodness,
you lead us into the way of love and life:
hear our prayer for your church in this place,
may we offer you our hearts and minds in worship,
bring others to walk with us as disciples of Christ,
and share the hope to which you have called us,
that by the work of your Spirit
we may see lives and communities transformed,
and be drawn ever more deeply into your life of love,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


Published: 30th December 2023
Page last updated: Monday 8th January 2024 12:31 PM

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