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Making Disciples: Everyday Faith

Everyday faith logoDoug Chaplin, Discipleship and Lay Training Officer offers some thoughts on being a faithful disciple at work, or outside the sphere of church activities:

As we move through Lent, we turn our attention to the way of the cross. Around the halfway point in the gospels, Jesus starts to prepare his followers for what is to come by stressing the cost of discipleship. “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” (Mark 8:34).

Do pray for all who are finding it particularly hard to be faithful to Jesus in difficult circumstances, at home, at work or in the community. Many people also find it hard to work out how best to be a faithful disciple at work, or outside the sphere of church activities. Take a look at some of the new resources the Church of England has produced ( Something there may be exactly what you’re looking for.

Ponder also, as you remember Jesus’ final walk to Golgotha, how challenging faithfulness can be. Does the church say enough about the challenge of becoming a disciple, or do we keep trying to make it sound easy, when it often isn’t? Who can you help rise to the challenges of faith in today’s world? And who can help you?

Published: 7th March 2022
Page last updated: Monday 7th March 2022 3:56 PM

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