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Madresfield Walk of Wonder

Projection of an angel on Madresfield ChurchIn a small, quiet village between Worcester and Malvern, you can hear the faint sound of designs being produced, mdf being cut, materials being measured and sewn, tinsel coming down from lofts, children practising Christmas carols - all in preparation for the parishes’ Christmas offering. Yes, once again, Walk of Wonder is returning to Madresfield village!

Organised by the Children and Youth Ministers for Old Hills Malvern Churches together with Madresfield Court, Madresfield Primary School, Madresfield Early Years Centre, Madresfield Working Men’s Club and St Mary’s Church congregation, this is a community coming together to offer a truly Christmas-y event at this wonderful time of the year.

A large cut out image of an angel surrounded by smaller shepherdsThe nativity trail starts at Madresfield Early Years Centre where you’ll discover Mary and Elizabeth exclaiming at their amazing news; from there, walk up the long drive of Madresfield Court to experience the journey taken by Mary and Joesph before arriving at the Inn in Bethlehem which has no room. Make your way round to the Church where you’ll find baby Jesus, wrapped in swaddling cloths lying in a manger. Be amazed by the shepherds as they listen to the angels and follow the Kings as they make their journey guided by the star.

Inside St Mary’s Church, you will be enchanted by the twinkling lights of the Christmas Tree Festival, a showcase of trees decorated by local village organisations including schools, local Cubs and Guides, WIs and local businesses. The smell of mulled wine and mince pies will radiate out from the church tower and there will be crafts for the children.  

This free event is open on Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 December from 12 midday to 4pm, with parking available at Madresfield Early Years Centre.

A close up image of a Christmas tree in Madresfield church with another in the backgroundOn Saturday 9 at 4pm in St Mary’s Church a ‘Christmas Reflection’ will take place, a short celebration including Madresfield School choir, readings from a ‘shepherd’ and a ‘King’ on their experience of seeing baby Jesus and a chance for you to sing out loud and join in with the congregation carols.

On Sunday 10 at 10.30am there will be a Walk of Wonder Carols and Christmas Story service as we follow the trail around the village. 

So please do come and join us, bring the whole family, everyone welcome including the dog! Experience the magic of the true Christmas at this most wonderful time of the year.

Vicky Whitehouse and Kay Shuard, Old Hills Malvern Churches ALM Children and Youth Ministers

Poster advertising the Madresfield walk of wonder

Published: 22nd November 2023
Page last updated: Wednesday 22nd November 2023 11:24 AM

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