This year's lent course from the Church of England will be #LiveLent- Let your light shine.
It is a Lenten journey through the Gospel of John, offering ashort daily reading, a pause for reflection and prayer and a challenge toact,with a focus on witness to link with Thy Kingdom Come (between Ascension Day and Pentecost). It is written in simple and accessiblelanguage by the Archdeacon of Wandsworth, John Kiddle, and includes a welcome from the Archbishops of Canterbury and York.
There will also be daily Let your light shine material available to downaload. The materials will help to bridge from Lent and Easterinto Pentecost and Thy Kingdom Come.
Thefull range of #LiveLent resources and activities will include:
- Dailyreflections - a daily discipleship journey through Lent from the Gospel of John,and a weekly Lent course based on these themes
- Full-colourprinted book #LiveLent: Let Your Light Shine from Church House Publishing
- An Appfor Android and iOS including all dailyreflections material
- Information on on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram
- E-mailand text signups
- Additionaldownloadable resources, including five group sessions based on thethemes/synopsis of booklet.
Resources will shortly be available at www.churchofengland.org/lent