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Knitted bells given out in Worcester

Lots of knitted bells sitting on a table.For the fourth consecutive year, members of St Nicholas Warndon Craft Group, plus friends and families, have been busily knitting Christmas decorations to give out to their local community. 

Associate Priest, Rosie Moss said:

"Our knitted decorations are hung on the footpaths and byways around Warndon Villages, with a label attached bearing a prayer for the finder and our social media contact details. They always go out near 6th December which is our patronal festival.Close up of a knitted bell hanging on a hedge

In the past, we have knitted angels, stars, and baby Jesus in a manger. This year’s decorations are bells, and we knitted over 1000 of them, enabling us to give one to every child and member of staff at Lyppard Grange School in addition to those hung around the villages.

The bells were blessed during our All Age worship on 3 December."

Well done to all involved! 

Published: 7th December 2023
Page last updated: Thursday 7th December 2023 10:41 AM

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Janet Fox – Clergy Development Officer

12th March 2025

Janet Fox has worked as our Clergy Development Officer for the past year. She came from an NHS background with significant experience in coaching and mediation, and during her first twelve months has spent time getting to know clergy to understand how we can best support their ongoing development and wellbeing.

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