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Kingdom Arts holds exhibition

Kingdom Arts is a Fresh Expression of Church based at St.Georges in Worcester. Meeting monthly, it attracts around forty people, whocome together to work on a series of arts and crafts with a different bibletheme. At the end of each session, there is a time of worship and anopportunity for those present to show what they have created followed by asimple shared lunch.

Kingdom arts Display boardsThe Kingdom Arts team recently applied to the Kingdom Peoplefund for a grant of just under 1000 to buy exhibition boards to display thework that has been produced over the last two years.

Alex New said: Weve been so delighted with the success ofKingdom Arts and wanted to share this with others in the church and widercommunity. It fits well with the Thy Kingdom Come 10 days of prayer so thoughtwed put on an exhibition for three days during this period and invite peopleto come and see what weve been doing.

The grant enabled the team to buy a series ofprofessional-looking display boards some full size on wheels and others whichwill sit on tables.

Kingdom arts table display boards

Sue Ashby-Davis said: We couldnt have bought the boardswithout the support of the Kingdom People fund. Its meant weve been able toput the exhibition on in a way that really shows off the artwork and looksreally special. That was important to us as were trying to reach as wide anaudience as possible. We hope it will encourage people from the community tocome in and use the building more often.

Invites to the exhibition were sent to every church in thedeanery and two local schools also took up the invitation to come in to takepart in a trail, quiz and a workshop on star making. There was tea, coffee andcake available for visitors.

Cross at Kingdom Arts

Alex continued: We hope that this exhibition promotes faithas well as showing what we do at Kingdom Arts. St Georges Church is a greatspace which really lends itself to a range of uses. If our first exhibitiongoes well, the plan is to keep developing it into an arts festival which willfeature drama, dance and musicians as well as our artwork!

Kingdom Arts meets on the 2nd Tuesday of eachmonth at St Georges Church, in Worcester from 9.30am 1pm.

Published: 5th June 2018
Page last updated: Tuesday 5th June 2018 9:21 AM

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12th March 2025

Janet Fox has worked as our Clergy Development Officer for the past year. She came from an NHS background with significant experience in coaching and mediation, and during her first twelve months has spent time getting to know clergy to understand how we can best support their ongoing development and wellbeing.

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