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John Stanbury - RIP

Head and shoulders shot of John StanburyJohn Stanbury, who was our Diocesan Secretary during the 1990s has died after a long illness. 

John Stanbury was brought up as a Methodist and was was a local preacher on the Droitwich and Worcester circuits for over 40 years. He was our Diocesan Secretary for ten years in the 1990s.

Doug Chaplin knew John when he was Diocesan Secretary. He said: “John was always a calm, steady and thoughtful presence at the heart of the Diocese. I think his commitment to the Methodist Church as a Local Preacher also meant he was able to bring a helpful mix of insider sympathy and outsider detachment to the role, which made him a wise adviser to bishops, colleagues and parishes.”

There will be a Thanksgiving Service for John Stanbury at Droitwich Methodist Church, 7 February at 1pm (following a cremation at Wyre Forest Crematorium, Stourport at 11.30am).

Published: 10th January 2025
Page last updated: Monday 13th January 2025 9:44 AM

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