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Introducing Fraser Oates: Renewal Leader for St Stephen's Church, Redditch

Fraser OatesIn September 2024, Fraser Oates was appointed as the Renewal Leader for St Stephen's Church in Redditch and has relocated there with his wife Jo and two young daughters, marking a new chapter for him and his family as well as the church and community.

St Stephen’s is positioned at the heart of Redditch, near the station and Kingfisher shopping centre, offering opportunities for growth. Fraser brings a wealth of knowledge and experience, as well as fresh energy to this pioneering role.

Raised in a Christian home in Yorkshire, Fraser grew up attending a Pentecostal church. He was just seven years old when he first felt a personal desire to know Jesus. After praying with a friend, the pastor prayed over them both, marking a significant moment in Fraser’s spiritual life. At age 10, Fraser was baptised. He remembers experiencing a strong sense of peace which he hadn’t felt before and recalls that even at that young age he had a profound prayer life and an awareness of God in his everyday life.

Fraser also reflects on the strong discipleship and intentional mentoring he received in his youth, particularly through his church's investment in young people. Encouraged to take on leadership roles, he became involved in worship, preaching, and teaching from an early age. At 16, Fraser began leading the church in sung worship. Through this, he developed a heart for both worship and God's people, experiencing the joy of helping others encounter God through the music.

Throughout his teens, Fraser developed a passion for learning and a desire to understand the Bible for himself. Jo’s role with Elim International Mission meant moving south to Malvern, and Fraser completed a Masters in theology at the theological college there, studying part-time whilst working full-time as a full qualified Architect. Their church home became All Saints Worcester, as their approach resonated with Fraser’s Pentecostal background, whilst offering a rich history and tradition as an Anglican church. Fraser was again invited to lead sung worship and through this experience felt called to pursue ordination as a vicar. This meant studying two days a week at Oxford while training full-time at All Saints.

His grounding in church resourcing and multiplication then led him to complete a Doctorate focused on church planting. Fraser said:

“Through my experiences growing up in a Pentecostal church, and All Saints’ links to the New Wine movement, I’ve been immersed in a culture of church planting and growth so that it feels like it’s just part of my nature, my DNA.”

All Saints and Elim both have an emphasis on growth, renewal and a strong sense of service and community. Inspired by Matthew 25:35-36, Fraser’s vision for St Stephen’s centres on radical love and social transformation. He emphasises the importance of serving, welcoming the stranger, and caring for those in need—as a reflection of the love Christ teaches.

Fraser said:

“I’m excited by the opportunity and challenge of starting a charismatic church in Redditch, which I think is a unique offering for the area. Being in a pioneering role gives me permission to think creatively and is exactly the kind of role I have hoped for.”

Before officially taking on his role at St Stephen's, Fraser made regular visits to Redditch, meeting with the church's leadership and exploring the history of the town. He also found out he has family roots in Redditch, further deepening his sense that he has been brought to Redditch for a reason and is the right person for this role.

Published: 28th November 2024
Page last updated: Tuesday 3rd December 2024 1:51 PM

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