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International Youth Day

Young people at a church eventInternational Youth Day is commemorated every year on 12 August and is a chance to celebrate young people and to draw attention to the challenges they face around the world.

The idea was proposed in 1991 by the young people who were gathered in Vienna, Austria, for the first session of the World Youth Forum of the United Nations. In our diocese we have a children’s and youth council which aims to listen to, understand, and learn from their experiences.

Please pray for young people known to us, that we might seek to remove barriers that inhibit them. Help us to enable all young people to realise their potential and play a full and active part in our churches and community. We remember those who have exam results coming up during the summer holidays, in thankfulness for those whose results will reflect the hard work that they have endured and praying for peace and guidance for any who are disappointed.

Published: 5th July 2022
Page last updated: Tuesday 5th July 2022 5:30 PM

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