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Intergenerational concerts with iSingPop and Church Primary schools

School hall filled with children and parents sat on chairs at the backNorton Juxta Kempsey and Whittington Church of England Primary Schools have been working with iSingPop to host two intergenerational workshops where parents, grandparents, and members of the local community have come into school to learn Christmas songs and dances alongside the children.

The grand finale to the workshops will be a performance by an intergenerational choir in St Mary’s Kempsey at 6pm on Tuesday 5 December.A line of parents joining in with dance moves

Julia Dean, Head at Norton-Juxta-Kempsey Primary said: “We’ve had almost 40 parents, grandparents and carers come into our workshops and they’ve all joined in! It’s lovely to see the different generations signing and dancing together in love and joy. We really welcomed the opportunity to be involved in this intergenerational project. It’s nice for parents and others to see how we worship through songs.”Jessica from iSingPop showing a group of children some dance moves

ISingPop came into each school for a full day, teaching different Christmas songs to different year groups and then everyone coming together for a final rehearsal. The choir on the evening of the concert will be comprised of children from all year groups in the two schools as well as some of the adults who have been involved.Three grandparents dancing

Grandparents who attended the workshop said: “We came to support the school and the children and have really enjoyed it. It’s a great way to bring the Christmas story to life and make the children think about it.”

Harvey in year 6 said: “I enjoy how the moves go well with the beat and it’s great to have my family here watching me.”

Whole school and parents dancing at the iSingPop intergenerational workshopAlongside learning the songs and dance moves, Jessica from iSingPop also reflected on a bible story, getting the children to join in.

Daisy Barnett is Chair of Governors at Norton-Juxta-Kempsey Primary. She said: “The songs really bring everyone together in love and joy, celebrating everyone’s uniqueness. Having the wider community engaged with the school in this way is absolutely brilliant.”

Published: 4th December 2023
Page last updated: Monday 4th December 2023 3:15 PM

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