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Have you completed the Energy Footprint Tool?

Person looking at the Energy Footprint Tool on a tabletWe would like as many parishes as possible to complete the online Energy Footprint Tool for their churches.

Without compiling accurate data about energy use in our churches, we cannot plan how to reduce our emissions and work towards our target to become net-zero Carbon by 2030.

We need your help to complete this data and with this, as well as new nationally funded net-zero officers being appointed in the region, we will be able to better advise and support you, not least to access funding. 

Completing the tool will provide data to help your church understand its carbon footprint and will mean you may be eligible for grants to help kickstart your net zero projects. This work is an essential part of caring for God’s Creation, by helping to combat global heating and climate change. 

The easy-to-use online tool will tell your church what your carbon footprint is, based on the energy you use to heat and light your buildings. It is completed through an online form. It should take no more than an hour to do.  You will need:

  •  last year's energy bills
  • your tariff and supplier
  • some basic information about your heating system.
  • an estimate of the number of person-hours that the church is used throughout the year.  Please remember when entering this data that a good estimate is fine – these numbers do not need to be 100% accurate, as long as they are in a relevant ball park.
  • If you have a separate church hall you will need to add this building, and enter the bills for this too.   

You can make your submission via the Parish Returns portal, if possible please try to do this before the Archdeacon’s visitations in June.

There are a number of online surgeries being offered by diocesan staff on 23 April, 16 May or 3 July where the process will be explained (book here:  If, by the time of the visitation, you haven't completed the form or need help to do so, please let your Archdeacon know so we can offer additional support. 

Watch two films about the Energy Footprint tool:

Eco Church

Bronze Eco Church award plaqueHas your parish registered to become an Eco Church?  Every congregation can make small but significant changes both in your church and churchyard to be more environmentally friendly, and becoming an Eco Church is a great way of engaging the both whole congregation and the wider community. You may already be doing some of the challenges in your worship, mission and discipleship.  

More than 40 churches in the diocese have already gained a bronze or silver award, but we need all churches to get on board, so if you haven't started the process or find it difficult to progress and need help, let your Archdeacon know. 

Published: 10th April 2024
Page last updated: Wednesday 10th April 2024 11:05 AM

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