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Grants to help parishes on their net-zero journey

Diocesan Shield in front of a green tree with sun shining throughParishes will now be able to apply for grants of up to £5,000 to help deliver small scale Net Zero Carbon works thanks to a new funding stream from the national church.

Our diocese has been awarded £58,850 by the Church Commissioners to distribute as a share of the £6.2m fund across the Church of England as part of the Buildings for Mission project. The grants will focus on small-scale works that will help reduce the church building’s carbon footprint.  Example works might include repairs to windows to ensure they shut tightly, insulating around heating pipes or installing thermal and/or motion sensors on lighting.     

The Net Zero Carbon Quick Wins Grant Fund will be open for applications from 1 August and will run alongside the existing Minor Repairs & Improvements Grant Fund. Applications submitted in August will be considered at the joint Grant Funds Panel in early September. From then onwards the existing three-monthly application periods will apply, with the last ending on 31 May 2025.

The Archdeacon of Dudley, Nikki Groarke, said:

"We are thankful for this early-stage funding from the Church of England’s Environment Programme to help parishes with small projects that might make a world of difference on the journey to the target for all areas of the church to be Net Zero in carbon emission by 2030 as set out by General Synod.  Being able to complete tasks such as provide new LED lighting, or just mending broken windows will help our churches as they look to be more energy efficient and to show, in a very practical way, our care for creation in all its forms."

More information, including application form and eligibility criteria will be available on the diocesan website shortly. The Church Buildings Team will be happy to receive initial enquiries and to help parishes to submit applications, please contact

Published: 22nd July 2024
Page last updated: Monday 22nd July 2024 9:56 AM

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