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Gilly Maxim – from education team to ordination

Gilly MaximGilly Maxim has worked in the education team at the diocesan office since April 2015, starting as PA to the Director of Education before becoming the Executive Officer for Education; supporting schools, clergy, headteachers and governors in areas of school governance as well as land and building and academisation issues. She will leave next month ahead of being ordained Deacon in the Cathedral on 30 June.

She said: “When I joined the education team, I thought that this was my vocation, but I kept getting a sense that I should be doing something more focussed. Although I was definitely NOT going to become a vicar, I started speaking to the vocations team to discern what my calling might be. Ordination now feels like an intrinsic part of my journey, but I have learnt that I need to keep listening to God’s call. It has taken me quite a while to accept that God can call you more than once!”

Gilly has greatly valued being part of the education team with her role growing and developing in response to changes in education. “The drive towards academisation has definitely shaped my role in the service and support we offer to our 100 church schools,” she said: “We’re very fortunate to have an Education Team that has been able to respond to the changing dynamic in education as we try stive to meet the needs of Headteachers, staff, governors and the wider community. We work closely together as a team to ensure that we really know our schools and as a result schools know they can come to us with any issues or concerns, and they will be responded to without judgement but with care and support. I will very much miss being part of such a supportive, collaborative and well led team, but I’ll be joining a new team, and as much as it grieves me to say goodbye to the Education Team, it feels right that I respond to God’s call into full time ministry.”

Gilly will be serving her curacy in the Worcester City West team. Her husband, Piers, is Director of Music at Great Malvern Priory and although they will all move to Worcester, Piers and their four children will continue to worship in Malvern. “It sometimes feels like there is a huge amount for me to put down in order to follow my calling, and leaving my Priory family and no longer being able to regularly worship with my family is going to be extremely difficult.” said Gilly. “However, the Priory community and my family have been hugely supportive, and I know they are praying for me. I am looking forward to getting to know a new parish and pray that I can be of use working alongside Phil Bradford in the West Worcester community. I have also been accepted to prison chaplaincy at HMP Hewell, and I feel humbled and privileged to be serving in that community.”

On leaving her paid education team role, Gilly will maintain a connection with the team by becoming a member of the Diocesan Board of Education. She continues to be passionate about Church of England schools and the flourishing of the 21,500 children educated in CoE schools in the Diocese, as well as their families and the school staff.  She is also looking forward to continuing to work with the other teams within the diocesan office when she’s in parish ministry.

“The only reason the diocesan office exists is to support clergy, parishes and schools. The diocesan office is made up of skilled and dedicated staff and I’ll definitely be making the most of their support and expertise in my new role, and I’ll be encouraging all clergy and lay church leaders to do the same!”

Published: 28th May 2024
Page last updated: Tuesday 28th May 2024 11:06 AM

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