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Fraser Oates licensed as Renewal Church Leader

Nikki Groarke, Fraser Oates and Bishop Martin in front of a welcome to St Stephen's signFraser Oates was licensed as Renewal Leader at St Stephen’s Church in Redditch on Sunday as the church moves forward with its vision to grow into a thriving church at the heart of the town centre.

St Stephen’s is one of our renewal churches which has received funding from the national church. It is part of our priority to ensure there is at least one church of over 150 members in each major area of population. Fraser comes to lead the church from serving his curacy in All Saints in Worcester and over the last few months he has already been working with church members to pray together and explore how to turn the church’s vision into reality.

Fraser kneels in front of Bishop Martin and receives a document Fraser said: “I am very excited about this next stage in the journey. I have worked alongside Area Dean and previous vicar of St Stephen’s, Paul Lawlor over the past twelve months and now I am looking forward to getting stuck in.  A key priority will be continuing to raise the spiritual temperature within the church, having confidence in what God can do and building relationships and connections to enable it to happen.”

Fraser was licensed by Bishop Martin at a special service at the church which was attended by people from churches across Redditch, members of All Saints Worcester and key community leaders. In his sermon, Bishop Martin said:

Bishop Martin standing at the front of St Stephen's, Redditch with his chaplain holding a book next to him“God is doing a new thing here tonight as we develop and inspire the vision of this place into the future. We want this church to be a place of welcome and hospitality, a place where people can learn what it means to be a Christian and a place which can bring healing and new life to the town of Redditch. God is calling us all to be his ambassadors of faith, and we all have a part to play in the mission of the church. Please pray for the renewal of this church in the heart of Redditch and give thanks for the faithful people who will continue to serve here alongside Fraser. Together we can help St Stephen’s to be a thriving church which blesses the town centre.”

Paul Lawlor speaking at the front of St Stephen's churchArea Dean of Redditch and Bromsgrove, Paul Lawlor said:

“It has been a privilege to be part of this journey and to work in partnership with All Saints in Worcester to enable it to happen. God has a vision for all the churches in Redditch and I pray that God will pour out his blessing more and more on our congregations, that in time, the work both here and in the other 11 churches in the town will coalesce and together we will have a united presence across the area.”

Archdeacon Nikki & the churchwarden of St Stephen's pray for FraserAs the renewal project moves forward, St Stephen’s will be undergoing a significant building reordering project. This will start in the new year with the congregation moving out of the building for at least nine months, worshipping in an empty shop in the Kingfisher shopping centre. The funding from the national church will also enable the church to appoint some other ministry roles, providing the capacity to allow new things to happen.


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Published: 17th September 2024
Page last updated: Tuesday 17th September 2024 10:46 AM

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