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Election result for a casual vacancy at General Synod

Election result for a casual vacancy to General Synod - House of Laity 2018.

Sarah Maxfield-Phillips has been elected as member of the House of Laity to represent the Diocese of Worcester in General Synod. To view the election result sheet, click here.

 At the end of the nomination period for the casual vacancy to General Synod, the following nominations had been received: 

  • David Hawkins
  • Sarah Maxfield-Phillips

By the deadline, the following election address had been provided:

Electronic hustings

The following question was submitted by a qualifying elector: 

Q1. You are probably aware that the amount of Parish Sharereceived from a number of parishes within the Diocese in recent years has beensubstantially below their Fairer Share allocations. How do you consider thatthis problem should be addressed in the future? (Robert Pearce, Martley & Worcester West Deanery)

Answer from Sarah Maxfield-Phillips:

Ibelieve improved communication about what Parish Share is spent on is the keyto encouraging churches to look at ways in which they can fund their fullshare.

Manyparishioners do not have a clear picture of the role of the Diocese andparticularly its important mission work. I believe if they did, they would bekeen to support their Parishes in funding Parish Share. This will not beachieved by a single stewardship campaign sermon, but by regularly hearingabout the Dioceses work and experiencing its support at Parish level. Goodpublicity is available on Social Media highlighting the work of the Diocese andleaders need to be encouraging their congregations to follow this. They alsoneed to be encouraged to find ways of disseminating it to those who dont haveaccess to Social Media. Parishes need to be encouraged to participate inDiocesan events, (e.g. Thy Kingdom Come Celebration) so that they feel part ofthe Diocesan family and the Church of England as a whole.

Congregationsneed to come to see Parish Share not as a tax, but as a funding tool for themission of the Church and so part of their mission giving.

All questions were sent to the candidates via email on 9 October 2018. 

Published: 30th October 2018
Page last updated: Tuesday 30th October 2018 4:06 PM

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