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David Mair to step down as Bishop's Adviser

David MairDavid Mair, Current Bishop’s Adviser in Pastoral Care and Counselling will be standing down from the role at the end of the year.

David took on the role in August 2021, becoming the lead clinician in the diocesan counselling team.  He has worked as a counsellor and psychotherapist for over 30 years, working as Head of Counselling and Wellbeing at the University of Birmingham for many years. He has been part of the diocesan counselling team in our diocese for over eight years and before that was part of the equivalent team in Church of England Birmingham.

David said: “My role as Bishop’s Adviser has been very interesting. In some ways, helping clergy and their families is no different than working with any other client and we cover many of the same issues and challenges. However, clergy work in a very specific context and that definitely raises particular issues. It will be important for whoever takes up the role after me to have an understanding of the Christian Faith and the structure of the Church of England.”

The diocesan counselling service includes various therapists who are all accredited by their own professional body and are spread throughout the Diocese. Initial enquiries come to David and then he may refer people to someone who lives closer to where they are based.

“It is a very experienced team who all enjoy the work and find it interesting,” said David. “It is so important to have a confidential space for clergy and their families within the small community of our diocese. It gives individuals the freedom to talk about whatever they need to in the knowledge that it won’t be passed on. We are always looking for new people to join our counselling team who understand clergy and their sense of calling.”

The team see around 20 – 25 people each year. This is mainly clergy, but the service is also available to diocesan staff and clergy families. Individuals can self-refer simply by contacting David as Bishop’s Adviser. Bishop Martin will now be looking to appoint a new Adviser and David would encourage anyone with the relevant experience to take up the opportunity. The Adviser needs to be an experienced counsellor or psychotherapist who has previously worked with clergy. They don’t need to be an Anglican themselves but do need an understanding of the Church and sympathy with the Christian faith.

“It has been a great pleasure to have had the experience of being Bishop’s Adviser. I will miss it and am sorry to be giving it up but am moving to Devon, so this feels like the right moment to do so. Feedback suggests the diocesan counselling service is highly valued by those who use it and I am very grateful to all those who continue to support the service and the counsellors involved.”

Bishop Martin said: “I am so grateful to David for his work leading the counselling service in the Diocese. It is such a crucial part of what is offered to support clergy and their families in their life and ministry. David has led this work very well indeed, and in total confidence of course. If you know of anyone who might be interested in taking over the Bishop’s Adviser role, please encourage them to write to me.”

Until a successor is appointed, David remains the point of contact for anyone needing to access the diocesan counselling service. Find his contact details here.

Published: 2nd December 2024
Page last updated: Monday 2nd December 2024 11:12 AM

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