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Cradley clock heads north for restoration

Last week, the clock dial saved from St Lukes in Cradley Heath headed north to theworkshops of the Cumbria Clock Company in Dacre near Penrith, Cumbria. 

Beforeleaving Cradley representatives from both St Peters Cradley and St LukesCradley Heath gathered to see the dial off on its journey. After a photo callat St Peters, the dial paid one final visit to the site of St Lukes where itwas joined by two former churchwardens. After photos had been taken, the dialleft Cradley Heath for the final time and made its way up the M6 to Cumbria.

After a journey of four hours, thedial arrived at the workshops of the Cumbria Clock Company and was greeted bythe Director, Keith ScobieYoungs. Keith and his staff very kindly gave aguided tour of the workshops and described the various stages of therestoration process. The Cradley Clock is in good company as also in theworkshop being restored was the clock from Hanbury Hall near Bromsgrove.

Over the next few weeks the Cradleydial will be rubbed down, given a coat of paint, have gold leaf added and theglazing replaced before being returned to St Peters by Christmas. When it hasreturned it will be put on display in the church for the public to see. The church still needs to raise around 3,500 to install the restored dial on the tower soplease check out their website to find out how you can support them:

Itis hoped that the dial will be installed in the spring of 2020.

The next FREE fundraising concert is on Saturday 9 November at 2.30pmwhen Kevin Hill will be at the Compton Organ with music for RemembranceWeekend.

Published: 27th October 2019
Page last updated: Thursday 16th July 2020 3:18 PM

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