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Confirmations at the Cathedral

Confirmation candidates

To celebrate the feast of Christ the King, confirmations were held at the Cathedral on Sunday with people from across the diocese being confirmed by the Bishop of Dudley, Martin Gorick. 

Bishop Martin confirming a candidateThe 19 confirmation candidates came from ten different parishes, with a member of St Mark's Church in Fairfield also being baptised by the Bishop. During the ceremony, candidates stated their decision to follow Christ, renouncing evil and repenting of their sins, professed their belief in God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit and then were confirmed by Bishop Martin, who reminded each candidate that they had been called by God before praying for them. 

During the service, Bishop Martin said:

"Being confirmed is an awesome moment. On the feast of Christ the King, as you cofnirm your promises to Jesus tonight, he promises to be with you forever and never leave you. As you return to your everyday life, remember that Christ is always with you. We are all called to be the hands and feet, voice and touch of Jeues for everyone we meet. Together we are called to be the body of Christ." 

Congratulations to all the candidates. 

See more photos on our Facebook page (click on the Facebook logo to go straight to the post): 


Published: 22nd November 2021
Page last updated: Monday 22nd November 2021 8:27 PM

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