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Come to church for a walk!

Members of the churches in the Teme Valley South team areplanning a new way of doing church by going for a walk! On a Sundayafternoon, starting on 15 March, a group will meet at Hanley Childe church andwalk through the countryside of the Teme Valley, stopping for bible reading andprayer along the way.

Walks will vary in length, with the first one on 15 March being around a mile. All are welcome to join the group. It is an opportunity to thinkabout God outdoors as well as engage in conversation, friendship and the wonderof creation. The planning group have taken a quote from environmentalist JohnMuir as their inspiration:

Id rather be in the mountains thinking of God, than inchurch thinking about the mountains.

The Revd Julia Curtis, Priest in Charge of Teme Valley Southsaid: Walking church will be an exciting new way of doing church here in theTeme Valley. There is a real sense of God being active in creation in thisplace, so where better to explore spirituality together outside of our ancientbuildings.

Jen Jones, resident of Eastham and part of the planninggroup said, There are many wonderful sights and sounds to enjoy in the naturalworld. Im looking forward to celebrating God's amazing creations withblessings and prayers as we walk together across the beautiful landscape ofTeme Valley South

Retired priest also on the planning group, Robert Barlow,said: Reading the gospels you see that Jesus and His disciples spent much oftheir time outdoors. The early disciples were called followers of The Way.Were introducing something thats already been tried and tested in other partsof the country. All are welcome and we hope this is helpful who find the otherservices provided dont work for them.

The first Walking Church will be on Sunday 15 March at 2 pm. The group will meet at Hanley Childe Church, WR15 8QY, and thewalk will be just under a mile. More information is available from the Facebookgroup Teme Valley Walking Church or by email from

Published: 13th February 2020
Page last updated: Thursday 13th February 2020 10:29 AM

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