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Celebrating the Muddy Boots Mission Area

Clergy and Lay Ministers from the Rural Mission Area with Bishop MartinBishop Martin visited the church of St Peter and St Paul in Rock on Sunday to celebrate the creation of the Muddy Boots Mission Area. As part of the service, people from across the 26 churches in the area committed to praying and working together.

The service was organised by the three stipendiary clergy working across the 156 square miles in the West of our Diocese – Sallie Butcher, Julia Curtis and David Morris – with support from the wider ministry team. A combined choir sang throughout the service, including an anthem especially composed for the occasion. Congregation members were given prayer cards and keyrings at the end of the service, which had been made by the Revd Julia Quinn.

Bishop Martin said:

“You are doing groundbreaking work here and what a team you’ve got! The unique thing about the Church of England is the ‘cure of souls’ that we hold. It is our task and calling to care for all people in our area. No priest can do this on their own, and the job is much too important just to be left to clergy! Making church open to all and reaching the parts of our parishes that traditional church doesn’t reach needs to be a team effort. The Muddy Boots Mission Area shows how strong rural churches can be when they come together with creative people joining together sharing their gifts and skills. May God bless you all as you live out your calling in this part of our diocese.”Members of the combined choir standing at the front of Rock Church while a row of people in robes watch

The combined choir was brought together from different churches and rehearsed independently before coming together for a joint rehearsal ahead of the service. They were led by  local composer and Director of Music for Teme Valley South, Chloe May Evans, who also composed the anthem for the service: ‘Da Pacem Domine’ translated as ‘give us peace o Lord’.

Chloe said: “I wrote the piece for the singers that I knew we’d have with us at the service. I wanted it to reflect what’s happening in the world at the moment, as well as the coming together of our churches across the Mission Area. It has been a very special collaboration and has been great to meet like-minded people in rural areas. I hope that this will be the start of more collaborative services.”

“To be able to bring everyone together through music has been one of the real blessings of the day and the choir is already asking to do more,” said Julia Curtis, Priest in Charge of Teme Valley South and Curate in Charge of Clifton on Teme, Lower Sapey and The Shelsleys. “It has been absolutely joyous to see two years of hard work coming to fruition in this public way and celebrate the diversity and good things in our area – we can do so much more together than we can do on our own.”

Rock church full at the celebration service for the Rural Mission AreaAlistair Thomas leads the choir at Lindridge Church. He said: “I had already been trying to create some kind of momentum for local church choirs to work together and today has been amazing. It is fabulous to come and sing with people from so many different churches.”

David Morris, Priest in Charge of Shrawley & Witley w Astley & Abberley and Teme Valley North, said: “It is wonderful working so closely and openly with colleagues and to be able to mutually support each other in our passion for rural ministry. We are especially thankful for how many officers in the diocesan office have supported us on this journey.”

Sallie Butcher, Priest in Charge of Mamble w Bayton, Rock w Heightington w Far Forest (Wyre Forest West), said: “It has been lovely to have Rock church so full – it really lends itself to big events and glorious singing. This is the first time we’ve encouraged all our congregations to come together and it’s been great to see the family and friendship connections that already exist across the patch. Rural communities are good at caring for each other and getting on with it!”

Sallie Butcher, David Morris and Julia Curtis standing togetherDo pray for the Rural Mission Area:

Almighty God, you give us new life, new hope and new opportunities with each returning day. Help us to use these blessings as best we can in doing your work, devoting ourselves wholly to your service. We pray for the Muddy Boots mission area, that you may guide us as we work together to do your will in our communities. We ask this in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

See more photos from the celebration service:

Published: 10th March 2025
Page last updated: Monday 10th March 2025 11:32 AM

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Celebrating the Muddy Boots Mission Area

10th March 2025

Bishop Martin visited the church of St Peter and St Paul in Rock on Sunday to celebrate the creation of the Muddy Boots Mission Area. As part of the service, people from across the 26 churches in the area committed to praying and working together.

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