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Celebrating the Jubilee in Ipsley

Poster created for the platinum JubileeMarcelina Wisniewka, a year 3 pupil from Tenacres Primary School in the parish of Ipsley, Redditch is celebrating after winning the Open the Book Platinum Jubilee competition.

Pupils were given four different bible verses and were asked to represent one of them through a story, poem or picture reflecting the theme of service.

Marcelina created a poster around ‘it’s more blessed to give than receive’ and won copies of the book: ‘Queen Elizabeth II: The Queen who chose to serve’ as well as new versions of the Good News Bible for herself and her classmates.

Tenacres is one of the local schools visited by the Open the Book team from St Peter’s Church in Ipsley, Christ Church in Matchborough and St John’s Church in Greenlands. To celebrate the Jubilee, St Peter’s has also been working with Ipsley CE Middle School on a Platinum Jubilee Song.St Peter's Jubilee Song

Jenny Nathaniel explains: “We asked our congregation to contribute a line or a sentence to be put together into a new hymn using the tune of ‘Love Divine, All Loves Excelling’, which we know is one of The Queen’s favourite hymns. These were then compiled by a retired music teacher into St Peter’s Platinum Jubilee Song, which 48 students in the choir at Ipsley are recording and putting onto a CD for us to use!”

Ipsley church open bannerA group from St Peter’s will also be singing the new song at their afternoon tea event for the Jubilee on Saturday 4 June and children from the school and their families have also been invited to the church’s Pentecost service to sing it together! The church is open next Thursday, Friday and Saturday with activities and displayed about the Queen and her faith and they will be blessing a newly planted tree as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy on Saturday. All are welcome to join them.

Published: 26th May 2022
Page last updated: Thursday 26th May 2022 7:44 PM

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Janet Fox – Clergy Development Officer

12th March 2025

Janet Fox has worked as our Clergy Development Officer for the past year. She came from an NHS background with significant experience in coaching and mediation, and during her first twelve months has spent time getting to know clergy to understand how we can best support their ongoing development and wellbeing.

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