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Celebrating the Calling Young Disciples project

People gathered at CYD eventOver 50 people gathered at Worcester Bosch yesterday to celebrate the Calling Young Disciples project as the main part of it comes to an end.

Everyone who had been involved in CYD was invited to come along to the event, which began with a chance to chat over a glass of fizz and a cake before the group gathered to reflect on the programme, see some of the highlights and hear about future plans for work with children, young people and their families in the Diocese.

Helen LairdMission Enabler Helen Laird shared her experience of being involved the project saying: “I have enjoyed every single one of my placements in different parishes, despite the challenges of Covid and other things. I encountered Christians who stepped out of their comfort zone and were willing to try new things and crazy ideas, and also stepped out of my own comfort zone. I learned a huge amount and made life-long friends. Thank you for allowing me to walk alongside you through this journey.”

Youth Officer, Simon Hill outlined some of the key learnings from the last few years and Mission Enabler Sian Morgan set out some of the resources that have been developed, including ‘Your Baptism Journey’, ‘Faith Through Cartoons’, ‘Faith Through Films’ and ‘Little Seeds’. She introduced a new booklet which has been put together to support parishes looking to start missional activities with children, young people and their families. (Find all the resources here)  The evening also included worship and prayer.Anne Potter chatting with others at the celebration

Vicar in the Worcestershire West Rural Team, Anne Potter, said: “Thank you to the Mission Enablers and the Diocese for starting us on this journey. They have given us the support and the courage to embrace this and continue to move forward.”

Those present watched a video of Simon speaking to Lucy Moore who is heading up the Church of England’s work with children, young people and families through the Growing Faith Foundation. Then Archdeacon Nikki said:

Archdeacon Nikki“We are here to celebrate the Calling Young Disciples project and mark its ending, but this is only the end of this phase in our journey. We are still committed to working with children and young people in the Diocese and it will be a key priority for our new long-term strategic plan which has recently been approved by Diocesan Synod. Our hope is to double the number of children and young people in the Diocese by 2030 and we will be putting energy and resources behind this priority. The aim is to have two new paid children and youth workers in each deanery over the next few years, developing a network of people who can really bed in some of the work started through CYD.  Sian and Helen will also be staying on as Mission Enablers until July to do some targeted and focussed work on increasing the number of young disciples as the project finishes.”

Archdeacon Nikki thanked all those who had been involved in the Calling Young Disciples project.

See more photos from the event on our Facebook page

Watch a film we filmed at the event:

Watch a film of some of the highlights of CYD:

Watch Simon's interview with Lucy Moore:


Published: 11th November 2022
Page last updated: Tuesday 13th December 2022 10:47 AM

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