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Celebrating St Nicholas

Yesterday was a Christmassy celebration in East Vale and Avon churches. 

The Bretforton junior band playing at the front of St Leonard's ChurchIn the morning at St Leonard's Church in Bretforton, the congregation welcomed the Bret junior band ("Bret, Set, Go!") at their Advent Morning Praise where children from 'Gather' (a new worshipping community linked with the school) helped stir the Christmas pudding.A girl holding a biscuit shaped like St Nicholas which she has decorated

In the afternoon, St Nicholas' Church in Middle Littleton held their patronal festival 'Celebrating Santa'.

Priest in Charge, Jo Fielding said: "We decorated St Nicholas biscuits, made Bp Nicholas mitres, and got St Nicholas Church ready for Christmas. We also told the story of Bp Nicholas and the gold coins (and ate a few chocolate ones ourselves)!"

Children in Mitres and Santa haps next to the Christmas tree in St Nicholas' Church, Middle Littleton

Published: 9th December 2024
Page last updated: Monday 9th December 2024 5:05 PM

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