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Catshill Connect

People at Catshill ConnectEvery second and fourth Tuesday in the month, a group comes together at Christ Church in Catshill, just outside of Bromsgrove to share a cup of tea and a chat together from 2 – 3.30pm.

A group of four people from the church have established the group, advertising it through the church and distributing leaflets in the local area. ALM Nan Adie said: “We were aware that there were quite a few people who hadn’t come back to church following the pandemic and wanted to set up a group which would enable people to connect together. We have been meeting since March and it definitely seems to be meeting a need, bringing together people who are feeling lonely and isolated.”Pouring tea at Catshill connect

Around 10 – 12 people usually come along to enjoy a cup of tea, a biscuit and a chat with different people each week. Around half are church members and others are from the local community.

Vicky Lawton is also on the organising team. She said: “It is a way for us to reach out to the wider community and it’s nice for people to have somewhere to go. There are always lots of different conversations happening – last week we even had a sing song together!”

Chatting together at CatshillMaureen is a member of Christ Church and comes along to Catshill Connect when she can. She said: “The pandemic was hard, particularly not being able to meet in church. The people here are wonderful and it’s good to meet together – we’re always laughing!”

Chris lives locally and comes to meet with friends and neighbours. He said: “It’s a very pleasant way to spend an hour or so on a Tuesday. It’s a chance to chat about old times and to catch up with the news.”

Some of the ladies are also part of a crafters group in the church which has been meeting for 30 years! They make items which are then sold at local fetes to raise money for the church.

Published: 13th July 2022
Page last updated: Wednesday 13th July 2022 2:42 PM

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