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Blessing school bags

children and adults posing with their bags at Wall Heath churchTo start the school term, the Church of the Ascension in Wall Heath held their annual bag blessing service.

Children and Families Worker, Sian Morgan said:

Curate Chis, Vicar Adam, Children and Young People's worker, Sian and Headteacher Lindsay with their bags“During the service, all the children and adults bought their bags, and prayers were said to thank God for our schools and teachers. We prayed for all our new classmates and that our backpacks would signify that we had everything we needed for the school year. Each bag then had a keyring attached to it. We blessed bags of all different shapes and sizes, including Fr. Chris’s golf bag!

“During the service, we also had a very special opportunity to pray for our new church school Headteacher, Lindsay Mason, and bless her work bag. The children were excited that they had a chance to do this and to see her in Church.”

Published: 20th September 2024
Page last updated: Friday 20th September 2024 2:17 PM

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