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Bishop Graham helps highlight the issue of Period Poverty

To mark InternationalWomens Day, Bishop Graham was asked to speak at an event in Dudley aboutPeriod Poverty called About Bloody Time. Organised by the Churches Housing Associationin Dudley and District (CHADD), which Bishop Graham chairs, he was somewhatnervous and reluctant about speaking on such a topic in front of an audience whichwas likely to be largely women. However, his teenage daughter and his wifechallenged him to show leadership and learn about Period Poverty. This is whathe said:

Period Poverty is animportant issue to highlight on this International Womens Day.

Period Poverty directlyimpacts on the ability of women who are living in poverty to flourish. Aflourishing life is one that has times of joy within it. There is nothingjoyful about not being able to afford tampons and pads.

This has been a topic ofconversation around our kitchen table. My teenage daughter really gets it and,together with friends, has been raising money to support young women on theirperiod.

I am going to Tanzania tovisit our link diocese of Morogoro in a couple of weeks time. Many of myclothes are having to be jettisoned as I have 10 kgs of reusable pads to takeout for a project working in a school. This will enable more girls to be inschool and not have to take days off during their period. Im dreading openingmy suitcase at the interview at customs!

Period Poverty is aninternational problem but also a local problem here in Dudley. Yet, havingperiods isnt a problem. Neither is being a woman a problem. Its povertythats the problem.

In the Bible there is amoving passage when the Old Testament prophet, Elijah, meets the Widow ofZarephath. She is at her wits end. Shes gathering sticks to make a fire onwhich to cook some bread for her son and herself. It will be their last mealbecause, in a place of drought, shes run out of meal and oil. There is nothingleft in the cupboard.

Elijah promises her that, byGods grace, the jar of meal will not be emptied and the jug of oil will not failuntil the day that the Lord sends rain on the earth. And so that happened andshe survived. The jar and jug were replenished.

Being poor was the problemfor the woman. She couldnt afford to buy the basics.

Yet, she finds a blessing.Thankfully, there are projects in Dudley that are a blessing for women. Thefood bank provides sanitary pads. Teachers use their own money to help girls beat school. Churches and charities are donating tampons and pads for women inthe refuge. Yet there is so much more that could and should be done, locallyand internationally.

This event has a clevertitle: About Bloody Time. Its about bloody time that our society and itspolicy makers wake up to what is diminishing women and stopping them fromgetting on with life. 

Published: 8th March 2019
Page last updated: Friday 8th March 2019 12:21 PM

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