On Sunday, millions of Christians around the worldwill be celebrating Easter. At the heart of this festival are the astonishingwords, He is Risen!
These words changed thecourse of history, beginning with a small group of women and men who had livedalongside Jesus, and spreading out to the corners of the world.
The Resurrection of Jesuscomes after our forty day observance of Lent, with its fasting andself-reflection, and our journey through the events and horrors of Holy Week.
Weve journeyed with Jesusthrough the abuses of religious and political power and witnessed again thetravesty of the injustices he faced and the fear that brought.
Much of this time has beenover-shadowed by the crisis that has developed since the use of a Russian nerveagent on the streets of our country. In this despicable act of injustice, itseems likely that todays political power has been abused with all of the fearthat engenders.
Fear also stalks people inour communities who, far from just about managing, are facing a daily GoodFriday world with its slow death of potential, health, esteem and hope.
Easter doesnt hide fromthese daily realities, but witnesses to God in Jesus bringing life out ofdeath, transforming darkness into light, turning fear into tomorrows joy, andlonging for hopelessness to become hopefulness. Easter is about discoveringthis life in abundance.
When we allow the Easterlight to shine through the cracks in our lives, and the Easter song to be sungin our communities, we begin to experience Gods healing, restoration andreconciliation. Finding life in all of its abundance.
Many centuries ago, StAugustine of Hippo, proclaimed We are an Easter People and Hallelujah is ourSong! Now thats a song worth discovering and singing Happy Easter!
Bishop Graham Usher