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Being a Governor in a Church of England School

School governors form the largest voluntary body in the UK. It is very important to have effective governors in our church schools, who will, as part of their role, encourage the distinctive Christian values of the school. This role is particularly important for Foundation, or Church, governors, who make up part of a church schools governing body.

Church school staff andgovernors understand education as the way to enable children to live life inall its fullness (John 10:10) and to flourish as unique individuals made inthe image of God. Our Diocese reaches out to over 21,000 children, teachingthem that Gods love is everywhere; at school, at play, in class and at home.In many parishes, schools greatly complement the work of the church in thecommunity.

On Saturday 30 March, theDiocesan Education Team hosted their first Governor Conference, with the themeof Vision into Action. Two governors were invited from each of our 100 churchschools, to hear presentations from Anthony Collins Solicitors, the Church ofEngland and Ofsted.

For more information aboutbecoming a Foundation governor, please contact:

Published: 6th March 2019
Page last updated: Tuesday 9th June 2020 7:14 PM

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4th February 2025

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