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A statement from Bishop Martin

A statement from Bishop Martin following the publication of the Makin report and the resignation of the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Revd Justin Welby:

"Like everyone who has read the Makin Review I was deeply disturbed and saddened by the details it contains, and its conclusion that the victims and survivors of John Smyth were failed by the Church in multiple ways over a number of decades. My heart goes out to them, and I applaud the courage of all those who contributed to the review, and for pursuing justice all these years.

Archbishop Justin has decided to take his share of responsibility for the failures identified in the review. This must have been a very hard decision for him to make and I feel it was the right and responsible thing for him to do. Despite his stated failings in this case, Archbishop Justin has done much to champion progress in safeguarding over the last ten years, in the Church of England and other areas of our society, and I am grateful for that. The rigorous independent safeguarding audit from INEQE recently been undertaken in our diocese gave us much encouragement as we seek to build a safer church and society for all. However, we mustn't be complacent as we continue to remember that safeguarding is everyone's responsibility."

If you have been affected by the Makin Review and would like confidential, independent, support, please contact the Safe Spaces helpline.

Bishop Martin has also written to all clergy and Licensed Lay Ministers. Read his letter here.

Read a statement from the Archbishop of Canterbury

The Revd Dr Sam Wells, Vicar of St Martin in the Fields, London, has written this prayer:

Tender God, look with mercy on all who have experienced profound harm and any for whom faith is associated with hurt and damage. Bless those for whom this week's events have stirred up memories and emotions that evoke grief and woundedness. Send your Spirit on your church, that it may be wiser and more rigorous even as it is sadder and humbler. Surround Archbishop Justin as he faces the glare of public scrutiny and blame. Guide your church to cherish all your children, exalted leaders and vulnerable members, that in your Son's broken body we may see not only sorrow but also your everlasting faithfulness to us. In Christ we pray. Amen.

Published: 12th November 2024
Page last updated: Thursday 14th November 2024 11:17 AM

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