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A message from our Bishops re: the latest Coronavirus guidance

Below is a letter from the Archbishops which gives further advice and guidance about what we should be doing as the Church of England in these unprecedented times.

We are very conscious of all who feel isolated, fearful and alone. Please be assured of our love and prayers as we remember that ‘nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.’Romans 8.38

More information and a range of Q&As will shortly be available on the Church of England website. These will continue to be updated over the coming days and weeks and should include advice on APCMs.

It is clear that the way we ‘do church’ has to change. It is crucial that we follow the Government’s advice and suspend all public worship but equally vital that as many churches as possible remain open to enable people to come in for personal prayer. This is a time for us to reach out to our communities in new and imaginative ways. Posters to let people know your church is open are available on the diocesan website.

Please encourage your people to reach out those in need by, for example, being involved in groups that are being convened through social media to support local communities – or starting one. It would be good if support for your local foodbank could be increased: we’ve heard that many have seen a drop in donations, so please be in touch to see what practical help might be needed.

If you are considering live streaming any (non-public) acts of worship/ reflections or homilies, please do let Sam Setchell in Communications ( know so that others can join in. We’ll list these on the diocesan website. There are also lots of resources for individuals on the Church of England website to suggest to your congregations. as well as the weekly sermon podcast on the diocesan website. 

Finally, we urge you and your people to be part of the day of prayer the Archbishops have called for this coming Sunday. There is an aspect of spiritual battle to what is happening which we need to remember as we make supplication that perfect Love, revealed in Jesus, which casts out fear.

God bless you in your witness and ministry at this difficult time.

With our very good wishes and assurance of prayer,


Bishop John and Bishop Martin

Letter from the Archbishops sent on 17 March 2020

Published: 17th March 2020
Page last updated: Wednesday 20th May 2020 7:14 PM

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