We have produced a series of videos for each week in Advent and Christmas Day featuring the lighting of candles on an Advent wreath while praying for growth in our diocese.
As the fourth candle of Advent is lit, let us pray for our diocesan priority to double the number of children and young people worshipping in our churches.
Blessed are you, God from eternity and ever new,
God of Mary, most blessed teenaged mother,
God in Christ, most blessed infant Lord.
Help your church to learn how to live
with the faith of children,
nurture the life of Christ in the young,
and grow into the maturity of Christ,
young and old together,
that with Mary, we may say our “yes”
to your love at the heart of the universe,
Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Take this spark, let it blaze,
angel’s call, she amazed,
now says yes, God be praised:
in the womb of woman,
God the word is human.
Shine, O candles, shine,
burn with love divine,
to the night, comes the light
of the Father’s glory.