At the first meeting of the new Diocesan Synod last week, newChairs for the Houses of Clergy and Laity were appointed.
Hugh Richards from Chaddesley Corbett will head up the House ofLaity and the Revd Claire Lording from Pershore has become Chair of the Houseof Clergy. Both were elected to these voluntary positions by the members oftheir House and will serve for an initial period of three years.
Hugh is a Diocesan Synod member for Kidderminster Deanery,worshipping at St Cassians, Chaddesley Corbett in the Parish of KidderminsterEast. He is a barrister specialising in Town and Country Planning andEnvironmental Law in Birmingham and before that was a regular officer in theWorcestershire and Sherwood Foresters Regiment. Hugh is the current Chairof the Diocese of Worcester Multi Academy Trust (DoWMAT) and as well as theChaddesley Corbett Educational Foundation. He is also a trustee of the RegimentalMuseum in Worcester.Hugh said: Duringmy three years as a member of Synod I have been impressed with the willingnessof the Bishops and clergy to listen to the views of the laity.I hope that in the challenges ahead, theHouse of Laity will be able to offer clear, thoughtful, practical advice andsupport to help take the Diocese forward in witnessing to the Gospel of love,justice, compassion and freedom for all.
Claire, who represents Pershore Deanery on the Diocesan Synod, hasserved as Priest-in-Charge of theBenefice of Pershore since May 2015 before which she worked in the Diocese ofHereford for sixteen years.Claire said:I stood to be Chair of the House of Clergy because I am passionate about theministry of all of God's people, both lay and ordained, and how as a Church wecan best enable and resource this, so that we can fulfil our mission. This is achallenge and opportunity in which clergy have a really important role to play.I felt that I could share my experience as a parish priest as part of ourongoing discussions in the diocese as to how we engage with this agenda so thatwe can be Kingdom People making a real difference. I am really grateful tothose who encouraged me to stand and look forward to getting started.
The DiocesanSynod is a body that draws together elected representatives of clergy and laypeople from across the Diocese. It has three Houses Bishops, Clergy andLaity. The Chairs of the Houses of Clergy and Laity help to encourage activeparticipation in the Synod and take an active role with the Bishop in chairingthe Synods meetings.