On 7 September Friedrich Kramer was installed in MagdeburgCathedral as the new bishop of the whole Evangelische Kirche Mitteldeutschlands (EKM) the Protestant Church of CentralGermany.
Bishop Kramer was born in 1964 in Greifswald. He is married to SabineKramer (director of the theological seminary in in Wittenberg), and they havetwo daughters and two granddaughters. Friedrich Kramer studied theology inBerlin, but has spent his ministry in the EKM and served for six years aspastor in the church communities of Lodersleben and Gatterstdt, not far fromthe city of Halle Handels birthplace. From 1997- 2008 he was studentchaplain at the University of Halle-Wittenberg. Since 2009 he has been thedirector of the Protestant Academy in Wittenberg.
Peter Atkinson, Dean of Worcester attended the installation on behalf of our diocese. He said:
"I was privileged to represent Bishop John at the installationof Bishop Kramer. I was one of a number of ecumenical guests from differentparts of the world. The new Bishop was installed by the Presiding Bishopof the Evangelical Church of Germany (EKD). The service, which was broadcast onnational TV, was also attended by the Minister-Presidents of the States ofSaxony-Anhalt and Thuringia."