The Diocesan Climate Crisis Task group offers 'small steps to save the planet'. This edition looks at disinvestment from fossil fuel companies.
Towards fossil free churches
"We believe that churches need to divest from fossil fuel companies and invest in clean alternatives if they are to retain their integrity in the face of climate change." Operation Noah
The CoE agreed to disinvest from major companies by 2023 if they have not shown a positive effort to transition to low carbon and meet the Paris Agreement targets.
Other national church groups are already disinvesting & it is not just fossil fuel companies which come under scrutiny, but also those who feed on injustice & warfare.
We have a Christian duty to ask what our money is being used to benefit.
- ASK where your church holds any investments.
- ASK if the bank your church uses has a policy on where they invest
- CONSIDER where you might have any shares e.g. British Gas deals from years ago.
- CONSIDER where your bank or Building Society invests your money
As the largest church investor the CoE also applies pressure from within to change carbon based companies & has devised a tool which is globally recognised by corporate investors to assess companies commitment to reduction. The Transition Pathway Initiative (see below) can be used by individuals or organisations such as a church or faith group.
Useful links:
For further research check these websites:
This supports Eco Church C&GE 15 and Lifestyle 12 & 13
(Photos by Laura Ockel (Windfarm) and Sungrow EMEA (Solar panels) on Unsplash)