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Celebrate 50 years of Christingle with the Children's Society

This year marks 50years since The Childrens Society brought Christingle to this country. Youreinvited to join the celebrations as, together, we make this 50thanniversary year the biggest for Christingle yet.

Christingle 50 logoFor 50 years, Christingle services have helped TheChildrens Society to support more than a million children and young people,but a million more are living with a range of serious issues in their livestoday, including violence, abuse, neglect and poverty.Many feel alone and have no one to turn to this Christmas. The money raised fromyour Christingle collections will help us support these vulnerable young peopleand work to ensure that they have their first Christmas full of hope and freefrom fear.

Weprovide a wide range of free resources for churches, schools and communities touse, helping you to make sure that your Christingle celebration is the best itpossibly can be. Our planning and promotional resources willhelp you to prepare and get the word out. You can also order the essentialitems you will need for your service (including wax candles, red tape andcollection envelopes), and find guidance around your collection for TheChildrens Society.

We provide a number of digital downloads in order to help you puttogether a Christingle service, whilst helping your congregation reflect on thework of The Childrens Society. The resourcesinclude seasonal worship materials, which are suitable forleading a Christingle service at various points during the Christingle season,including Advent Sunday, Christmas Eve, Epiphany and Candlemas. We also providechildrens activities, including a Messy Church Christingle resource.

To find out more about Christingle, or to order theseresources and more, visit give us a call on 0300 300 7000.

Christingle Song

This year you can also celebrateChristingle with a brand new song. 

Light a Candle has been composedexclusively for The Children's Society by Louise Drewett, a youngcomposer currently studying at the Royal Academy of Music. The words havebeen specially written for our anniversary year by up-and-coming poetClare Shaw.

Whether you are aschool choir, amateur singing group, professional, cathedral or churchchoir, Light a Candle is the perfect way to raise your voice incelebration of Christingles anniversary.

Download the scoreand piano accompaniment from our website and be part of The Children'sSociety's special 50th Christingle celebration.


Published: 11th October 2018
Page last updated: Thursday 11th October 2018 10:36 AM

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