Video Library
Diocesan Secretary John Preston introduces the consultation on deanery reorganisation in the service of ministry, mission and mutual support. Find out more:
This week sees the start of our next round of Open Conversations and in this video Archdeacon Nikki explains how we can work together to create healthy and sustainable churches.
A message from the Diocesan Director of Education for all those going back to school this week.
"Touch the earth lightly, Use the earth gently, Nourish the life of the world in our care" Archdeacon Robert Jones reflects on marking September as a season of creation.
Bishop John reflects on gratitude – as towards the end of summer he sees the harvest approaching.
The Bishop's chaplain, Stuart Currie, reflects on how we need to take account of all that is going on beneath the surface of people's lives: our own and others.
Diocesan Stewardship Officer, Alison Maddocks, reflects on Sabbath, and the importance of refreshing rest, and being people who play as well as pray.
Archdeacon of Dudley, Nikki Groarke, reflects on seeing each other's faces, face masks, and the face of God.
Diocesan Director of Vocations and Ordinands John Fitzmaurice reflects on some connections between lockdown and the teaching of the Desert Fathers
The Bishop of Dudley thanks everyone for so much hard work this year, and encourages everyone to enjoy their holiday, enjoy some rest and enjoy God's world.