Video Library
In this week's reflection Bishop John talks about the #CathedralsCycleRoute, a relay which journeys round all 42 English cathedrals. The Bishop will be cycling the Hereford to Worcester leg next week. Find out more: #CCR
The diocesan office has now moved to Lowesmoor Wharf in Worcester, Diocesan Secretary John Preston shows us around.
A video reflection for "Love Your Burial Ground" week celebrating our churchyards, and introducing this year's Churches Count on Nature project to record wildlife in churchyards
This week's video reflection comes from Alison Maddocks, Dean of Smaller Churches.
Today we celebrate the life and witness of Augustine of Canterbury, the first Archbishop of the English Church and patron saint of the Anglican Communion. This week's video reflection comes from Bishop Robert Paterson.
Watch our diocesan prayer for Pentecost, filmed across our six new deaneries. Gracious God, you pour out your life-giving spirit on your kingdom people, Fill our hearts with love to worship you creatively, Equip us to make disciples, Inspire us to share hope, And anoint us to transform our communities, Through Jesus Christ our Lord, in whose name we pray. Amen.
The Bishop of Dudley reflects this week on Pentecost, the birthday of the church. Pentecost is celebrated on the the 50th day (the seventh Sunday) from Easter Sunday. It commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ, as described in the Acts of the Apostles.
Last Sunday was Rogation Sunday, a time when we traditionally bless the land. This week's video reflection comes from David Morris, the Chair of The Chaplaincy for Agriculture and Rural Life (CARL).
What are your hopes and dreams for the coming months, for yourself and for your church? This week's video reflection comes from the Archdeacon of Dudley.
This week's video reflection comes from John Fitzmaurice, Director of Ordinands & Vocation. Last Sunday was Vocations Sunday and John reflects on Prince Philip's role and duty and how we should embrace our own vocation if we feel called by God.