Support for Treasurers

The role of the treasurer is essential in ensuring that a church is healthy and sustainable...

however, finding the right person can be challenging, especially in smaller churches.

If you are already a treasurer and are looking for information relating to Parish Finances or Enabling Giving, please click the links. 

If you have any questions, please find details and contact information for the Diocesan Finance Team.

Finding a new treasurer

If you have any questions or would like some help with finding a new treasurer, please contact the Diocesan Finance Team..

1) Plan for emergencies

2) Plan for a handover

3) Pray

4) Create a role description and let people know

5) Appoint a new treasurer

6) Handover

Help for new treasurers

When you have appointed a new treasurer please let Jessica Lambert know, so that we can update our contact information at the Diocesan offices, and make sure they are invited to related events and training. 

An introductory guide for New Church Treasurers has been produced by ACAT (the Association of Church Accountants and Treasurers) and is freely available through Parish Resources

The Church of England has an excellent publication to help PCCs meet their reporting responsibilities: PCC Accountability: The Charities Act 2011 and PCC (5th edition) (to purchase or read online for free here). The book covers all areas of producing the annual report and accounts, including a full set of example accounts.

Hunting down the best value deals for your church isn’t always easy and takes time. That’s why the National Church and the dioceses set up the Parish Buying service. The Parish Buying team use the bulk buying power of the Church to negotiate competitive prices with approved suppliers across a range of different products. 

The Diocesan website has a range of resources and information relating to Parish Finances or Enabling Giving, please click the links. 

If you have any questions, please find details and contact information for the Diocesan Finance Team.

Latest Finance news

Why give to your church through the Parish Giving Scheme

Giving is an essential part of our faith—it enables our churches to flourish, support communities, and share the love of Christ. The Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) is an effective way to give regularly to your church, ensuring stability and sustainability for ministry and mission.

Upcoming events and training this month

12:30pm - 2:00pm -

Contact the Team

The Diocesan Finance Team seeks to support parishes in caring for their finances and the associated administration. We can help and offer advice on a wide range of matters, from fundraising to preparing accounts to Ministry Share.

Also, advice can be found on many topics from the Association of Church Accountants and Treasurers (ACAT) and you can sign up for free here.

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