ACAT - The Association of Church Accountants and Treasurers


The Association of Church Accountants & Treasurers

The Diocese of Worcester is a block member of the Association of Church Accountants and Treasurers (ACAT), which supports church treasurers in their roles. 

ACAT is the charity for treasurers of all Christian churches. We aim to advance the Christian faith across all denominations by providing members with the most appropriate advice, training and information on accounting, financial, legal and other related issues. ACAT supports around 18,500 church treasurers across the UK - and this number is constantly growing.

As a treasurer in the Diocese of Worcester, you are now able to join for free!


The many benefits of ACAT Membership

  • Website - Members have access to a password protected area of the ACAT website which contains an online edition of our Handbook, exclusive news stories and other essential information.
  • Handbook - A comprehensive, up-to-date guide on all matters relating to church finance. Areas covered include: GDPR; Bookkeeping; Preparing the Annual Report; Gift Aid; Independent Examination; Registration as a Charity; Risk Management; Copyright, Licences and Fundraising; VAT; Property Development
  • Introductory Guide for New Church Treasurers - A booklet giving an overview of the new treasurer’s role.
  • Members Advice Line - Help whenever it’s required via phone or email.
  • E-Newsletters - Providing you with the latest information from ACAT, HMRC and the Charity Commission, among many more.
  • Training - ACAT runs a regular programme of training. Courses are delivered by experienced trainers or “partners” with strong backgrounds in church finance as well as experts in accountancy, tax and charity law. Topics covered include: Being a Treasurer—the Basics; Gift Aid & GASDS; Generating Income & Grant Applications; Independent Examination; Trustee Responsibilities; & Budgeting and Planning.
  • Annual Conference - ACAT runs this larger event to address the most important issues in church finance. We invite keynote speakers who are experts in their fields and also a wide range of exhibitors from software providers, insurers, solicitors and energy suppliers.


To register with ACAT

If you have not already registered, please follow these simple instructions:

1. Log onto and click the member 'log in' tab in the top right hand corner;
2. Use your ‘block’ username: Worcester1 and password: Lowesmoor and press “Log in”;
3. Click the link labelled Click here to enter your account information at the bottom of the page;
4. On the Membership Checkout page, click on the HERE hyperlink in the Block Members paragraph;
5. You will subsequently be asked to use your 'block code' (Worcester1) again which will ensure that the fee to pay is £0.00;
6. Please create your own Username and Password before filling in your contact details and other requisite information.

This is a once-only procedure and your own login credentials will subsequently provide full access to ACAT’s website.
Any queries, please get in touch with ACAT on 01246 767787 or email


If you are already a Member

In response to your renewal email, please follow the instructions to renew via the website. 

When you get to the Payment Information section at the bottom of the renenwal form, just enter the block code for the Diocese (Worcester1). 

Once you click on the apply button to the right of the field on the form the Payment Information section should disappear, and you can submit the renewal of your membership and not be charged. 

Any queries, please get in touch with ACAT on 01246 767787 or email

Page last updated: Wednesday 15th March 2023 2:08 PM

Latest Finance news

Why give to your church through the Parish Giving Scheme

Giving is an essential part of our faith—it enables our churches to flourish, support communities, and share the love of Christ. The Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) is an effective way to give regularly to your church, ensuring stability and sustainability for ministry and mission.

Upcoming events and training this month

10:00am - 1:00pm -
12:30pm - 2:00pm -

Contact the Team

The Diocesan Finance Team seeks to support parishes in caring for their finances and the associated administration. We can help and offer advice on a wide range of matters, from fundraising to preparing accounts to Ministry Share.

Also, advice can be found on many topics from the Association of Church Accountants and Treasurers (ACAT) and you can sign up for free here.

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