If you would like to contact any member of the Finance Team by post, please send letters to:
The Diocesan Board of Finance, 16 Lowesmoor Wharf, Worcester, WR1 2RS
You can also contact us via email at finance@cofe...
*All WDBF email addreses end with "@cofe-worcester.org.uk" but have been partially hidden below to prevent spam.
Sarah Powell
Director of Finance
01905 732804
Contact Sarah with questions about the Diocesan accounts and budgets and any other matters not covered below.
Ryan Bates
Management Accountant
01905 732805
Ryan prepares our monthly accounts and carries out variance anaylsis with actual and budgeted figures. Contact Ryan with questions about CCLA and funds that the Diocese holds with them on behalf of churches.
Jo Burr
Project Finance Officer
01905 732803
Jo administers the Church Schools Improvement & Maintenance Fund, Ordinand Training Grant and the finances for the Diocese's Strategic Projects. Contact Jo with questions about the above funds and grants.
Sucki Dhaliwal
Accounts Clerk (Purchase Ledger)
01905 730737
Sucki organises payments for the Diocesan Board of Finance purchase ledger. Contact Sucki with questions about payments from the DBF.
Bernadette Hirst
Accounts Clerk (Ministry Share and Fees) and Gift Aid Officer
01905 730738
finance@cofe...Bernadette manages incoming payments to the Diocese, in particular those coming from parishes, and manages the Gift Aid claims for parishes. Contact Bernadette with questions about Ministry Share payments and Diocesan Fees for weddings and funerals. Details for the Parish Returns website. Details about the Gift Aid Scheme.
Jessica Lambert
Accounts Clerk (Ministry Share and Fees) and Gift Aid Officer
01905 730738
Please note: Jessica is currently away on maternity leave, if you previously contacted Jessica about financial matters, please direct these queries to Bernadette Hirst.
Chris Boden
Parish Resources Officer
07943 326411
cboden@cofe...Chris helps churches with looking at how they can better use their resources to continue to build and develop their ministry. Contact Chris about matters to do with Ministry Share, financial governance and planning, and generous Christian stewardship.
Robyn Rooney
Stewardship Officer
07931 175434
Robyn works alongside Chris offering support to churches with a focus on the Parish Giving Scheme as well as helping with fundraising ideas. Contact Robyn about Parish Giving Scheme, Stewardship, Cornerstone, fundraising and generous giving in our churches.
Helpful information can be found in the Finance section, including information relating to Ministry Share and Diocesan Fees.
Enabling Giving
Events, tips and advice to aid and inspire your work, time and energy to encourage and enable the giving to your church.