Worcester Diocesan Board of Finance Accounts

Here you can find out about our latest Diocesan accounts.

You can download the 2023 Worcester Diocesan Board of Finance annual report and accounts here

The guide Understanding our 2023 Accounts is designed to be read alongside the accounts above. This information can also be found below.

You can find more about The Worcester Diocesan Board of Finance Limited, including previous accounts, from the Charity Commission website.

Page last updated: Sunday 8th September 2024 4:29 PM

Latest Finance news

Why give to your church through the Parish Giving Scheme

Giving is an essential part of our faith—it enables our churches to flourish, support communities, and share the love of Christ. The Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) is an effective way to give regularly to your church, ensuring stability and sustainability for ministry and mission.

Upcoming events and training this month

10:00am - 1:00pm -
12:30pm - 2:00pm -

Contact the Team

The Diocesan Finance Team seeks to support parishes in caring for their finances and the associated administration. We can help and offer advice on a wide range of matters, from fundraising to preparing accounts to Ministry Share.

Also, advice can be found on many topics from the Association of Church Accountants and Treasurers (ACAT) and you can sign up for free here.

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