
Many ways to give…

When encouraging people to give we need to provide mechanisms for them to give which are accesible and relevant. The easier it is to give and the more ways we offer to give, the more likely people are to give. Those who are watching online will need a different way to give to the people in church, and those who regularly attend will need a different way to those who are visting. Every church should think about:

Regular Givers

The best route for regular givers is the Parish Giving Scheme. Every church should consider making this available. A video introduction to the scheme for donors can be found here and there are many benefits to being on PGS, both for your church and for the donor.

Throughout the Bible we are reminded that generosity is part of our discipleship, part of the way we worship God. Each member of our church should be encouraged to give prayerful consideration to their level of giving. No one should give more than they can sensibly afford and we should not give to God out of the the unnoticed surplus of their expenditure.

Regular givers should be encouraged to give directly through the bank as this ensures that it is part of their personal budget, helps the church to receive a regular income and avoids the unnecessary handling of cash and associated costs.  

Donations in Church

Those coming into the church building for whatever reason are often moved to give. This is important not only as a source of funds but because it is their response to the work of God in their life. There is a recognition of something important about the place whose purpose is worship. We need to make it meaningful and easy.

Even before Covid, the place of cash was diminishing and now many people no longer carry cash. They look for contactless card machines or want to use their phone to make a donation. There are now lots of contactless card machine options available, details and special deals can be found through Parish Buying. For mobile 'phone giving, your church can now have its own QR code which you can add to any printed material, such as your newsletters, service sheets, pew slips and posters.

Donations online

Over the past two years we have seen church services regularly being streamed online, through Facebook, Zoom, Youtube and other platforms. People now expect to see their local church online as well as physically and there is a new willingness to make online donations.

Every church now has the facility to have an online ‘donate now’ button through the ‘A Church Near You’ page, you just need to activate it! Full details of how to add your donate button to your website or ‘A Church Near You’ page can be found here.



Parish Giving Scheme

The most effective approach to regular giving in the parish.

Contactless Giving

It is now possible for every church to be able to consider the possibility of contactless giving.

Online Giving

Putting a "donate now" button on your church website or "A Church Near You" page is easy. Look here for lots of help.


Legacies can be a major factor in the ability of a parish to look after its buildings and pursue its mission. They demonstrate the importance of the church in the donor's life and celebrate their generosity beyond death.

Writing your will

One of the greatest gifts we can give our family and friends is the space to grieve when we die, however, this can be difficult if we do not plan ahead. This page gives you the information you need to help write your will.

Gift of love


Are you looking for a simple fundraising option for your church? Many churches use funding website easyfundraising. It’s something that your church can use too.

Latest Finance news

Supporting parishes with finances

Stewardship and Resources Officer, Chris Boden is changing his role slightly to spend more time supporting parishes with their finances. ...

Upcoming events and training this month

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2:00pm - 4:00pm -
9:30am - 2:30pm -
12:30pm - 1:30pm -

Contact the Team

The Diocesan Finance Team seeks to support parishes in caring for their finances and the associated administration. We can help and offer advice on a wide range of matters, from fundraising to preparing accounts to Ministry Share.

Also, advice can be found on many topics from the Association of Church Accountants and Treasurers (ACAT) and you can sign up for free here.

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