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Worcester Cathedral to bid a fond farewell to two members of clergy

It was announced on Sunday that two valued members of Worcester Cathedral’s Chapter and clergy team are moving on to new appointments later this year.

Georgina ByrneCanon Georgina Byrne is to be Anglican Tutor at the Queen’s Foundation, an ecumenical theological college in Birmingham. She will take up this post on 1 September. Georgina and her family will, however, continue to live in Worcester.

Georgina said: “I am looking forward to taking up my post as Anglican Tutor at The Queen’s Foundation. Queen’s is a vibrant, thriving, ecumenical institution in Birmingham and I’m delighted to be joining the team there.

“I have spent twelve years at Worcester Cathedral and have loved my time here. It has been a unique privilege to spend a quarter of my life under the shelter of so beautiful a place. I have worked with wonderful colleagues and shared so many amazing moments. I’m glad that, for the time being, my family will remain in Worcester as I commute to Birmingham, and I look forward to watching the Cathedral go from strength to strength – even if from the side lines.”

Georgina will preside and preach at the Sung Eucharist in the Cathedral at 10.30am on Sunday 3 October, which will be an opportunity for the Cathedral community to express its appreciation to her.

Michael BrierleyCanon Michael Brierley is to be Director of Formation at Cuddesdon Theological College, near Oxford. He too takes up his post on 1 September.

Michael said: “While I shall be really sorry to leave Worcester, as I’ve come to have great affection for the place and have been very blessed to work with such a wonderful set of colleagues, I much look forward to joining the theological community in Cuddesdon and bringing what I have learnt at the Cathedral to the world of ministerial formation.”

Michael will preside and preach at the Sung Eucharist in the Cathedral at 10.30am on Sunday 12 September, which will be an opportunity for the Cathedral community to express its appreciation to him.

Both Georgina and Michael will be winding down their work at the Cathedral in the course of the summer.

The Dean of Worcester, the Very Reverend Peter Atkinson, said: “While it is sad to be losing two gifted and experienced priests from the Cathedral community, it is good to know that they will be sharing those gifts and that experience with men and women in training for the Church’s ministry.”

Published: 15th June 2021
Page last updated: Tuesday 15th June 2021 4:26 PM

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