As we approach the winter months, Church Buildings Officer,Mark Carter offers some advice about things to focus on as you care for yourchurch building.
Clear leaves
Autumn means that leaves are falling from trees andgathering in places where they could do damage. Its important to keep on topof clearing them from gutters, pathways and drains so a build-up of leavesdoesnt result in water getting into the church, cause flooding or they becomea slip hazard for those visiting.
However, when clearing leaves, please make sure you arephysically able to do it, conduct a safety check on any ladder used and makesure there is a second person to ensure the bottom of the ladder is secure. Ifyou will be spending more than half an hour working at height or you are at allworried about carrying out the job, consider hiring access equipment or ask acontractor to do the job for you.
Visually check masonry
Before the weather turns really cold, its important tocheck over the masonry for new cracks and crumbling stone. If cracks areestablishing or the mortar is failing, frost and cold weather will exacerbatethe problem.
If the visual check highlights any issues, contact yourarchitect for a second opinion, speak to a stonemason or contact the DAC officewho can put you in touch with an expert.
Check winter stocks
With the unpredictability of the British weather, itsalways important to make sure there are snow shovels and grit etc available atchurch in preparation for Winter.
Theres a common misconception that if paths are leftuntouched when the snow falls, then property owners wont be liable. However,this is not true anyone operating premises needs to make a reasonable effortto ensure people can access safely. Try to clear fresh snow and apply salt orgrit to ensure grip, do not use hot water as it will only re-freeze! Moreinformation can be found on this government website: https://www.gov.uk/clear-snow-road-path-cycleway
Make sure regular tests are up to date
There are lots of safety checks that need to happen annually electrical safety, lightening conductors, gas boiler and fire extinguisherservices and risk assessment updates to name just a few. Make sure you knowwhat needs to be done each year and put a calendar together with them alllisted on along with reminder dates a couple of months before. This should bepassed on if the churchwardens etc change!
The Church Buildings team at the diocesan office is alwayshappy to offer advice on managing church buildings safely and legally. Pleasecontact us if you have any concerns. The Society for the Protection of AncientBuildings (SPAB) also has a great Faith In Maintenance calendar with advice onwhat to do at different times of year: https://www.spab.org.uk/sites/default/files/SPAB-FiM-maintenance-calendar.pdf